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Remote Monitoring & Management

Remote Monitoring & ManagementHow do you know when there’s a problem on one of your servers or other mission-critical devices? Do you only find out when someone reports that they cannot do their job? Using this “break-fix” solution leads to your users having to suffer extended periods of disruption (since the issue only becomes known AFTER the disruption begins) and can also lead to permanent damage (it is sometimes too late by then!).

Inside IT Solutions do not wait for problems to be reported. Our “Remote Monitoring & Management” technology enables your mission-critical devices to be monitored for potential problems. If any are found then this software will attempt to rectify them. If the software cannot resolve the issue then a ticket describing the exact nature of the issue is logged into our IT Service Desk. Our service desk console is instantly updated with these Remote Monitoring & Management details showing the specific point of failure. These immediate alerts and precise details allow us to resolve the failure in much less time than would be possible in the traditional reactive break-fix support model, and often before your staff have even noticed that there is a problem!

How do you ensure that all of your client machines are secure?

Are you able to verify that each of them has anti-virus software installed and running? Do they all have the latest updates?

Our Remote Monitoring & Management technology gives us a central console to view the status of your client devices. We can configure anti-virus checks that not only ensure that the security software is actually running, but also that it has the latest pattern files. As with all of our monitoring systems, any failures result in a ticket appearing in our IT Service Desk specifying the exact device and issue.

Are you worried that your backup routines are not providing reliable backups?

Do you check your backups every day? Are you confident that the member of staff responsible (if there is one) is doing their job correctly?

Inside IT Solutions can help to take those concerns away. Our Remote Monitoring & Management technology includes scheduling tools. These can be used for many purposes but one of them is to check your servers each morning for a successful backup. If a successful backup is not found then we are notified so that we can trace the fault and find a resolution to ensure that a successful backup is completed as immediately as possible. These scheduling tools are useful in many other areas too. For example, if you are worried about energy consumption from users leaving their machines powered on out of hours then we can configure your client machines to shut down at a fixed time each day, or certain days of the week. This can be filtered by specific device, type of device (e.g. desktop computers but NOT laptops) or even location, to ensure that only the desired machines are powered off.

What about preventative measures? Can you predict future problems before they even occur?

Our Remote Monitoring & Management tools can warn us when certain thresholds are exceeded, enabling preventative measures to be taken before critical levels are reached. For example, one of your computers has only 1% of disk space left free. If the disk runs out of space entirely it becomes almost impossible to use, and resolving it after that time can be very time-consuming. We can set warning levels to enable a ticket to be logged whenever a machine (client OR SERVER) reaches a set threshold (e.g. 95%). This enables us to contact the client and ensure that 100% is never reached. Similar Remote Monitoring & Management warnings can be configured from other verification processes including spare network addresses (DHCP scope).

If you would like to discuss Inside IT Solutions Remote Monitoring & Management tools then please contact us on 0845 475 5549 or fill out the contact form to the right and somebody will be right back to you.

Inside IT Solutions : Dedicated support for your business